Beautiful Saksaywaman fort
Well this morning all sisters in our room woke up at 3:30 to go to Saksaywaman (sexy women not sure how to spell it but how its pronounced) so that we could get in for free...we got there at like 4:30 and had to wait there until the same sort of came up at 6... it was So cold as you can see in the pictures I am Rudolf. um it was cool...I dunno after waking up to ruins outside my window everyday for six months....ruins are ruins... but after we waited in the plaza of armas for like an hour waiting for McDonald to open...ya its not the same. its funny how at the house the last thing I wanted to eat was donuts and MacDonalds and everything fried and delicious and here its like the heavens have opened when we can eat that stuff. the mish changes ya.
Did I ever tell how hna Juana bought a cuy for us our last week in ollanta. ya she bought it LIVE. and we had fun watching her skin it and clean its innerds....blahghsdjk super gross but YOMO(you only mission once)
I have to say cuy is not my fav....and the insides less...
Well cusco is treating me good, even though I've learned to not trust the weather AT ALL. The clouds have become my enemies. The sun tries So hard to come out and the clouds are like oh hey you wanna make hermana rasmussen happy? NOPE. #thatsmylife
Hey did you know prez and hermana Harbertson go to my ward? so that's kinda neat to see them, it kinda helps cause it makes us be on time haha
This next week we are going to visit the Hermanas in Puerto Maldonado (jungle) I'm excited except for the fact that we have to take a 45 min air plane ride...just thinking about it gives me the vomits. #prayforme
We do work visits with hermanas in Abancay, here in cusco, urubamba, and Puerto Maldonado. I'm really excited cause I have SO much to learn from these amazing sister.
This week all the sisters in my house were sick at one time or another,throwing up or toilet troubles or both haha poor things, well all except me. I have learned that if I don't eat SalchiPapa (fried hot dog and potatoes that everyone and their dog eats here) and I eat my fruit and oatmeal and do my weird exercises every morning, I don't get sick. Ya my nose is always runny but that's just cause its freezing. when it gets really bad I stick hand-warmers in my bed before I go to sleep. I'm probably exaggerating..but its really cold...for ME.
So like I said my sector is GIGANTIC, I haven't even seen the half of it, and we take a LOt of buses...not my fav I've gotta say but its life. We walk a lot cause buses cost and exercise makes ya happy. walking more we contact more families, most of which reject us like its their day job but Nooormalllll. we WILL find you peeps who are ready to hear the gospel!! were gonna getcha getcha getcha one way or another..(like the song)
I'm happy, a bit stressed,but with a good stress.
love you all, hope its a party in the USA. remember to look at your troubles from an eternal perspective! by doing so helps and lets you be HAPPY cause that's what life is all about:)
Hermana Rasmussen
craving of the week:
Costco Hotdog